Opportunities to Join the Trustee Board

Opportunities to join the trustee board of a dynamic social enterprise in Upper Norwood

The Upper Norwood Library Hub (UNLH) was set up in 2016 by a local Trust (Upper Norwood Library Trust – UNLT) to contribute to the social, cultural and economic wellbeing of the Upper Norwood community and beyond.

A registered charity, UNLH hosts a library service delivered by Lambeth Council Library Services, co-funded by Croydon Library Services, and is also a thriving community and performance arts space. We employ professional staff to run the building, develop and run services and raise revenue. Our focus over the next five years is to become fully sustainable through a blend of grants, commissioning and by generating our own income.

To help us achieve this goal, we are looking for new trustees to join us. We are looking for people with knowledge of working in the social enterprise/charities or start-ups, with entrepreneurial and pragmatic approach to organisational and business development and a passionate belief in keeping libraries open. 

Trustees share collective responsibility for the governance and development of our charity, setting the strategic direction in line with our mission, aims and values as well as meeting legal requirements. 

Trustees may also serve on a committee or other ad hoc group such as our finance and fundraising committees. Trustees are expected to commit between 30 + hours a year (by agreement and business need) including quarterly trustee meetings, strategy, business and advisory activities. You will be expected to attend profile raising public/community events.

If you would like to learn more about this exciting opportunity and want to be part of this essential local charity, please contact Chris Neath. We will be happy to discuss the role and our work in detail.

Chris Neath: chris.neath@unlt.org

Jenny Irish